A comedic short film written and performed by Stephanie Greenwood and Polly Tisdall for On The Verge Festival 2022 at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.
Arabella Fantasia Lucille Birdwhistle (Stephanie Greenwood) and Portia Tattendown-Lacey (Polly Tisdall) are two delusional actresses who believe they’ve had long star-studded careers but are, in fact, out of work. In this - the pilot episode of their autobiographical drama series - they share their life in Glasgow, their aspirations and their darkest moments as they strive for the career they’ve always dreamed of.
Watch The Dames: Episode 1: A Case of Delusion here.
Written, produced, directed and performed by The Dames: Portia Tattendown-Lacey and Arabella Fantasia Lucille Birdwhistle.
Guest starring: Colin C. Collins.
"We wanted to create something which reflected on our life together as actresses and friends and bring our fans to a greater understanding of the daily pressures of fame. And I think we've done that. It's not all fun and games you know!" Portia Tattendown-Lacey
"We had some difficult times. People tried to undo us in those days. Jealous people. But we rose above it. I'm so grateful for Portia's continued friendship and support." Arabella Fantasia Lucille Birdwhistle.